Pipeline Separation and Flaring Services - Pipelogic | Invacor

Trusted filtration solutions

Thorough filtration of unwanted hydrocarbons is essential at every stage of oil and natural gas production. Invacor protects your downstream equipment and your bottom line by removing contaminants through the following processes:


Whether you’re gearing up for pipeline decommissioning, batch cleaning, or blowdown, we can assist you with separation of your product stream. We use multi-phase, high-capacity mobile separators with 1440 working pressure that can take on the toughest jobs, and hammer union piping rated for up to 20,000 psi for a safe, effective process and fast rig-up and takedown times.

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Flaring, or the controlled burning of petro-chemical byproduct gas, is an important safety mechanism during maintenance repairs or emergency situations. We keep safety top of mind when dealing with this volatile substance and strive to minimize risk to both personnel and the environment.

Features of our flaring service include:

  • Hydraulically self-standing, trailer-mounted flare stacks for quick setup and teardown
  • Accurate data collection of lost and unaccounted for gas via SCADA recording
  • Ability to handle both liquid and gas product at a near-100% destruction rate

Pipeline Separation and Flaring Services - Pipelogic | Invacor


Dust and other solid debris can find its way into critical parts of your pipeline system and impede your equipment. Our high-pressure filters are commonly deployed in online pipeline cleaning projects and can be used for either high-volume or low-volume filtration.